Linda Yaven (Coach Elle)

leadership ARCHETYPEs Coach . communication specialist . EDUCATOR

I love bringing people together & connecting them to future-facing possibilities.

I'm honored to have a track record of clients & students personalizing their conditions of satisfaction & calling by stewarding their talents. I offer an original, proven playbook that's a mash-up of evidence based & soft skill ways to accomplish success bringing out your best.

And bringing out the best in others.

I've rolled up my sleeves coaching diverse talent at IDEO, Linked-In, Pixar, Auto Desk, Allianz, Oru Kayak, Nature Conservancy, Teall Sports & Entertainment, OKCOIN, Kreatives, Strong Brew, Tipping Point, Google, REVEL, Oakland Promise & Stanford U on my leadership archetype method.

At California College of the Arts, I am on the MBA & Masters Interaction Design Faculty.

As a visual artist I served as advisor/documenter to The Making Learning Visible Institute at Harvard & led an original feedback protocol for Department of Defense Education Activity.

Some days you can find me in my painting studio or coaching music bands. In Star Wars, the rebel base is on the fourth moon of the planet "Yaven".