A time tested step-by-step framework for clearing the collaborative air. Build upon or repair the trust so key to team success. Listen & be listened in a way you never have. Change someone’s mind or have conversations you never thought possible. Experience a studio state of mind to getting stuff done.

You can get there in style or fraught with interpersonal snafu's. Take the guesswork out of what makes your team tick. Discover how to maximize complimentary strengths & clear steps to limit unproductive head butting. Build upon or repair trust to raise belonging & esprit.
A POSITIVE "NO!" essentials
Stop project creep, over committing or people pleasing. Deepen confidence, self respect & credibility by clarifying boundaries. Flourish in how to say "No thanks!" without harm to professional/personal relationships. Take back your attention, calendar & resources.

PEER to PEER FEEDBACK essentials
Practice a time tested framework for giving & receiving the meaningful feedback teams desire & thrive in. Discover ways to manage your conflict style - even if conflict avoidant! Clarify who's doing what by when. This is a proven way to offer honest feedback respectfully.